Is Avengers Endgame safe for kids? Should your kids see the newest Marvel live action film? Avengers: Endgame Movie Review | Safe for Kids?, an honest parents guide and mom review of the newest super hero release. No spoilers! #AvengersEndgame May contain commissioned links.
Avengers: Endgame Movie Review | Safe for Kids?
Whatever it takes.
21 movies. Over 30 super heroes. 1 Thanos. Over 10 years of Marvel super hero movies all culminates to THIS moment. And to be honest I wasn’t fully prepared to see Avengers: Endgame. I wanted to hold onto the past 21 movies and savor them just a little bit longer. Maybe because I wasn’t ready for the end. To accept that many years of investment is over.
“Part of the journey is the end.”
But is the end worth waiting for? In this Avengers: Endgame Movie Review | Safe for Kids?, I’m talking visuals, the story, a full PG-13 rating breakdown, and sharing whether I’ll be letting my own kids see the most anticipated film of the year. A no spoiler parent review – this is the post you want to read before rushing your kids to see the newest Marvel super hero film.
The Visuals
Crazy awesome good. I think these three words sum it up pretty well. While I did not screen this movie in 3D, I definitely encourage you to do so. Basically the most epic space battle imaginable with tons of characters, explosions, fighting and cool CGI effects. There are definitely some awesome makeup/body alteration tricks to be applauded as well.
The Story
This is the part of the movie review where I am supposed to fill in all of the juicy details of what happens during THE most anticipated movie of the year. But c’mon. Thanos demands your silence. Also there’s a hashtag floating around of #dontspoiltheendgame. It’s cruel and unusual punishment to spoil this long awaited film. And I’m not that cruel.
AVOID the spoilers at all costs, y’all. This movie will have your family talking for days, months, years regarding the story line. And you don’t want the internet world clouding your judgement.
That being said, while some folks will feel vindicated in their movie plot predictions, I definitely think there are some plot twists that are to be applauded. However, it takes quite a bit longer to build to the climax of the film. (Aka the BIG fight scene) And after the climax – well, it wasn’t the ending I wanted. I’ll say that. It wasn’t bad. But I think it could have been better. Once you’ve seen it – let me know your thoughts. For the little girls in the audience – be prepared for a good female empowerment scene. It’s awesome.
For the first time, there are NO end credit scenes that you have to sit through. So if you’re done being in utter shock that this phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is over, you are free to leave. Plus let’s be honest, the 3 hour and 1 minute runtime will have your bladder teetering in explosion realm.
That PG-13 Rating
Is Avengers: Endgame safe for kids? Why is Avengers: Endgame rated PG-13? This Marvel film is rated PG-13 for “sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and some language.” Emphasis on the word “some.”
This is the first time where I disagree with the language portion of the rating. And the violence, action and adult themes – we need to talk about those before you run your children to the theater.
Language. Yep, it’s a lot. I counted 25 actual swear words (these ranging from mild h-e-double-hockey-sticks to “duck” replace the “u” with an “i” – twice.) Unlike the swearing in Captain Marvel (more subtle language in conversation), Avengers: Endgame is about the punchline. Ant-Man (I love that guy) is hilariously filthy mouthed. Sh*t, *ss, d*mn are commonly used. And there’s definitely quite a few lines where the swear word is used to cut the tension for audience laughs.
“Oh my g-d” is a common occurrence as well. If your kids have already seen all of the Avengers movies – this is pretty par for course with the other movies – except for the “duck” line. I honestly wasn’t expecting that word and was disappointed in the usage.
Violence. Men fighting men. Men fighting aliens. People dying with physical blood coming out of their heads, up close beheadings, and slit throats. Yes, this is Avengers: Endgame. And it’s not only about avenging the fallen – but this time, it’s personal. The Avengers are hurt, angry and ready for vengeance. And the violent sides of our beloved super heroes are definitely apparent. While certainly sci-fi in nature, please note that these are super heroes that our kids have truly invested in. And there are more deaths to take in account in this film.
Adult Themes. Keeping with the vengeance theme, some of our beloved characters flip a switch. Beyond the “shock” factor in Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame is dealing with the emotional aftermath. Drinking and drunkenness is obvious. Killing sprees, torture, confusion and grief – these are all stages that our characters deal with in their own ways. Some better than others. And something to keep in mind for kids – especially those who have not dealt with grief and anger.
What Avengers: Endgame Age Rating is Recommended for Kids?
Is Avengers: Endgame kid friendly? Unlike Avengers: Infinity War, this movie has an end, finality, and a super hero finish to the film that is more of the “happily ever after” feel. That being said, between the abundant use of bad language, violence, adult themes and the ridiculously long runtime of 3 hours 2 minutes, this movie is not exactly geared towards the young audience.
What age is recommended to watch Avengers: Endgame? However, keeping in mind that your kids have already invested many years and hours in the MCU movies, this is a must-see for them. However, I may be waiting to allow my 6-year old daughter and 10-year old son to see this one – just for the intensity.
Avengers: Endgame is the ending to many years invested in these characters. We know their personalities, their mannerisms. We expect them to say certain lines and act in a certain way. There are tears shed, loud cheers, fist pumps galore, ridiculously long laughs, and an overwhelming amount of sadness – finality. Avengers: Endgame is the realization that all of these Marvel movies are so much more than just 10+ years of entertainment – they’re family. Family being said, I’m not ready to bring either my 6-year old daughter or 10-year old son to this one. Not yet.
Honestly, it’s so bittersweet. I want to love and hate this film at the same time. Because you’re grieving and reacting and feeling along with these characters. And it’s a film you can’t just see once and be done. You don’t want this phase to be over. So you keep reliving this moment – because you can’t say goodbye. I’m still not ready to say goodbye.
It’s an emotional road and so much heart invested – but it’s the movie that will spark many years of conversations to come. Avengers: Endgame is the movie that may not win any Oscars – but it has changed the way we embrace super hero movies. They are so much more than heroes – they’re family.
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I was invited to attend a press screening of Avengers: Endgame in exchange for this Avengers: Endgame Movie Review | Safe for Kids? post. Be sure to follow Raising Whasians for more Marvel movie updates, celebrity interviews, entertainment and behind-the-scenes info!
Mark says
Is there gods name in vain GD in this movie ?
christie says
Hi Mark, did you read the language portion of the post? I counted many – at least 4 from my notes.
Jack says
How is Gods name in vain used?
christie says
It’s in the phrase “Oh My G-d” – used multiple times through the film.
christie says
Ok, yes now I understand the question. GD is used twice in the film
Noah S. Smith says
How many times did they say “Jesus ” in the film?
Noah S. Smith says
And was “Jesus Christ ” used as well? I mean used as taken in vain like GD.
Mark says
I read the review but is God’s name pared with d word ?
Steven says
Yeah I would like to know that too
Steven says
Also I think he means Godd**n not paired
with the duck thing
Steven says
Just clearing that up
Steven says
Definitely 1 of the worst words you could say in a movie
Steven says
I’ve been hoping it doesn’t
christie says
Ok, yes now I understand the question. GD is used twice in the film
Steven says
Would it be okay so say when?
Noah S. Smith says
And was “Jesus Christ ” used as well? I mean used as taken in vain like GD.
christie says
I don’t have my notes on me right now (on travel), but from my recollection I don’t remember a “Jesus” reference at all. Just GD and OMG.
Mike says
Other sites are noting that Jesus’ name was misused by Hawkeye. Does anyone know which scene that may have been?
christie says
Hi Mike – I don’t not give spoilers in my review, so I cannot say the exact scene. But I will say that it’s towards the end of the film.
Francis says
It is great to see that more people are becoming aware of Hollywood’s agenda to curse God and Jesus’ name.
Thank you, Christie, for your review.
This is one movie that I will miss.
I am so disappointed because the original Avengers movie had nothing like that at all in it.