Is Zootopia safe for kids? Is the new Disney animated film OK for children to see? Read the Zootopia Movie Review | Safe for Kids?, an honest parents guide and mom review, we breakdown the PG rating. No spoilers! #Zootopia May contain commissioned links.
Zootopia Movie Review | Safe for Kids?
The day has arrived! Disney’s Zootopia, the 2nd longest Disney Animated Film has just swung into theaters today and I’m ready to tackle this Zootopia Movie Review as any good parent would.
Is Zootopia safe for kids to see? What about that PG rating? Can you walk me through a review without any plot spoilers? Yes. Yes. And yes. I’m excited to give you your parent review of Disney’s Zootopia movie, for anyone that’s considering bringing their children to the theaters to watch. Let’s break down the film bit by bit and find out why this family-friendly film is hilariously taking on the world in a BIG way.
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The Visuals
Zootopia is really unlike any Disney animal movie you have ever seen before. The animation, the vision, the attention to detail is 100% out of this world (you know…in the human sense). The application of animal research to create these species of characters is fascinating.
The true-to-size scaling of each animal is incredible. The creation of individual towns, buildings, landscapes; the uniqueness within one species of animal; the “keep alive” animation…..I could go on and on. And we haven’t even approached the story line yet.
The Story
I’ll keep away from any spoilers, but the story obviously focuses on Judy Hopps the Bunny and Nick Wilde the Fox. It’s an unlikely hero duo paired up for a “wild” adventure (ahem, did you see the perfect pun placement there?) through the city of Zootopia.
There’s action. There’s adventure. There’s mystery. There’s Good triumphing over Evil. There’s well planted Zootopia Easter Eggs. Basically your usual Disney masterpiece.
The Humor
Crying snorting laughter. It’s that kind of humor. If you’ve watched the Sloth DMV trailer (like I have…maybe 15 times), just imagine that kind of lovely creative humor sprinkled throughout the film. Sometimes subtle. Sometimes bold. Always Disney. The creativity lengths that these folks have gone to make sure that you are fully enjoying the experience…whether you’re 3 like my toddler or 103, Disney is on it.
Don’t worrying about muffling your snorts. I’ve been there too.
That PG Rating
Is Zootopia kid-friendly and ok for children to see? Not all PG ratings are the same. Movie ratings have shifted so much over the years – teetering between Incredibles 2 intense and Abominable calm. More recently, a shocking Maleficent: Mistress of Evil PG rating really took us for a loop.
Ok, parents, time to get real about that Zootopia age rating. Specifically the “thematic elements, rude humor, and action.” There’s no swearing, so you don’t have to worry about “ear muffing” any little ears. There’s insinuation about a colony of animals that like to dress au-natural. It will most likely go over the kids’ heads…but they may be wondering why everyone else is laughing. My 7 year old just enjoyed the scene…no questions asked (Whew! Dodged that bullet).
Language. None! Yay for safe Disney films!
Adult themes. Using cartoon characters and witty one-liners, Disney tackles hard adult themes like racism, bullying, stereotyping – but in simple to understand kid terms. Acceptance, diversity, and more are dealt with.
However, Disney does take a moment to have some animals without clothing to use as a “funny” punchline. This may or may not sit comfortably with kids and adults. And there are some Shrek like adult humor that may bring some parent chuckles without being overtly “adult.”
Violence/Suspense. Now the thematic elements and action kind of go hand-in-hand. There are animals that have a few suspenseful “pop out” moments with creepy eyes. That may or may not cause some nightmares if your children are of the more sensitive nature.
Zootopia Movie Age Rating for Kids?
My sensitive 7-year old first grader was quick to say how there were some moments when he felt afraid (during the creepy animal parts), but that wouldn’t stop him from seeing the movie again. In fact, I’ve already been asked when we are seeing the movie again. That’s my boy. For my 3 year old, as a parent I would have screened the movie first for her. I honestly would have been on the fence to take her, just for the creepy animal part.
How would I compare Zootopia to another Disney movie? I would say the action/adventure of Incredibles, with the creepiness of some of the monsters in Monsters Inc. Hopefully that gives you a good overview of the PG age rating…without giving away any big plot points.
Overall, The Disney Tear Jerker?
You know how Disney loves to grasp at your throat and make those ugly tears come out? Yeah, I didn’t have any of those moments in this film, and that kind of surprised me. I expected a gut wrenching “Disney spotlight moment,” and didn’t find one.
Are there a lot of heady issues addressed? Absolutely.
I applaud Disney for touching on really important topics like racism, bullying, stereotyping. By giving a “face” to these themes, Disney has created honest teachable moments with parents and kids. I can’t wait to see how an animal world can change our human world.
But did I cry “I-just-saw-a-Disney-movie” ugly tears? Nope. But, it’s ok. I liked the unexpected response to the movie. I was able to focus in on the BIG themes, take in the atmosphere and ultimately hone in on the movie for what it is. I’ll save the tears for my next screening of Finding Dory.
Looking for more parent movie reviews like Zootopia Movie Review | Safe for Kids? Check out these popular posts:

Overall, I’m really excited for families to see Zootopia. I love how Disney weaves in really important issues interlaced with humor, creativity and fun. And hey, it’s currently rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes! Ready to go see Disney’s Zootopia? Be sure to grab these FREE Zootopia Coloring Sheets – coloring pages, kids activities and more! And you can check out all of my exclusive Zootopia insider info, interviews with Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman and the Disney Animators HERE.
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Disney Zootopia, now in theaters everywhere! Is your family WILD about this Disney film?
I was invited to attend a special Walt Disney World media event in exchange for this posting. All opinions are my own. Be sure to follow Raising Whasians for more Disney news!
Ali @ Ali's Book Nook says
Thanks for explaining the PG rating. I’m always concerned about what’s going to be in there. Sounds like a fun movie for taking my kiddos to while we celebrate a family birthday.
Mia says
I am happy to hear that there is no swearing in the movie. Would rather my grandkids are not exposed to that. Sounds like fun and entertaining.
Deborah D says
Glad it is kid friendly. Hope to see it soon.
Natalie says
My 7y/o, and 6 y/o have woken up several times the past two night with nightmares. They are huge How To Train Your Dragon fans, and they have seen every Pixar movie- to clarify they’ve been exposed to more violent cartoons- but there does seem to be some more true-to-real-life dark elements in this film. Basically, if the animals here were live human actors, I would never have allowed my children to see this film, but somehow because they are personified mammals it’s ok. The street drug lab, the mafia, guns, blood…it’s all there. I jumped in my seat at one point! Apparently savage beasts (even otters) are far more frightening to my kiddos than screaming death dragons or drago bloodfist.
christie says
I definitely jumped in my seat too. I can definitely understand the more true-to-life elements that perhaps made this film more scary to your kids than others. While my kids were afraid in appropriate places, they both asked to see the film again. Thanks for sharing your personal experience. I hope your little ones can move past the nightmares soon!
Chille Moss says
OMG! My 4 year son is having nightmares from this movie too! He has seen other movies but when the animals transform into predator mode it’s so real life and TERRIFYING! Even for me I find myself cringing at the screen sometimes because it is so realistic. Overall the movie is great but the creators should not of created such a dramatic children’s movie. It is very disturbing that I can’t find a wholesome children’s movie now days.
christie says
If you can skip through that part, I do believe that Zootopia is one of the BEST children movies I’ve seen in a long time. Just the talking points alone make this movie worth watching together
Jerome says
My 6 years old boy still has some images of zootopia from time to time, usually before sleeping, when he is tired, It has been 5 months now…
Jerome says
I went to see the movie with my 2 boys aged 6 and 3 (my wife, who, by the way, is Korean -I am French -remained home with our 10 months old daughter) . They have also seen much more violent movies like Narnia (but I had told them before what is was about). My 3 years old son just enjoyed the movie but the 6 years old one was scared by the fierce animals. Even now (3 weeks after) he has some difficult moments and has flashes about the movie when he is tired the evening. It is a pity because the movie is a good entertainment besides those parts.
christie says
Thanks for your thoughts, Jerome. That’s why I recommend parents screen the movie first if your little ones are prone to getting scared.