30 Things Toddlers Think About At Target
If you’ve been watching the page, there’s been a lot of buzz around these Target posts lately. Pretty fun to see what us ladies think about while we’re sucked into the Target vortex, right? Well, I think getting into the mind of a toddler while at Target is much more fun. So, I recently shopped with mine for the inspiration for this post. 30 Things Toddlers Think About at Target. Let me know if you agree.
1. Incoherent screaming in the car….to “Ohhh, is that Target?”
2. Ok, seriously! Can we get these straight jacket straps off me yet? It’s Target!! Hurry up!
3. Forget oncoming traffic, mom! Look at those big red balls? Can we take one home this time?
4. It’s my own personal jungle gym…I mean cart! Can we choose the one with the leftover snacks this time?
5. Do you really need to clean the cart this time? You know I’m only going to slobber it in 5 seconds. Mom, this is so embarrassing. 10 wipes is really overdoing it.
6. Cue mini tantrum in front of the dollar section. A few seconds of this and she HAS to give me a toy.
7. Boo-yah! I win yet again. Bonus, I got the one that makes noise!
8. Whoops! Did I “accidentally” eat the price tag again? I guess this toy is going to have to come home with me.
9. Calm down. It’s only a dollar.
10.Your list is looking serious. Did you bring the good snacks this time?
11. Step away from the bathing suits. You don’t need another one. You have 10. And have you looked at your mommy pooch lately? C’mon!
12. Where’s the toys? Mom, toy section NOW!
13. MUST. HAVE. ALL. OF. THE. TOYS. PRETTY. LIGHTS. OOHH, is that the new Princess Anna doll?
14. Wait, you’re leaving the toy section? Are you crazy?
15. Cue in extreme meltdown!!
16. You’d better find something quick to make it stop. The other shoppers are beginning to look! You don’t want to be “that” mom, do you?
17. You brought candy? You’ve been holding out on me.
18. Lollipop goodness! And you wanted to wipe the cart. Just call me the Sticky Monster. Oh yeah!
19. Mom, I found the clearance…sticker! 😉 Look, the sticker is on my head! You didn’t need that, right?
20. I’m. So. Bored. Ok, my butt hurts. Time to perform my shopping cart acrobatics
21. Like that shopping cart strap is really going to hold me, HA!
22.No, not the tampons aisle again. Anything but that!
23. MOM! Are we done yet? It’s been over 45 minutes and you don’t even need half the stuff in the cart.
24. Time to go into “Arched Back Full On Tantrum”
25. Yeah, you’d better get in line now!
26. Don’t even think about pulling out those coupons! I’m going into flailing arms and legs mode now
27. Move faster, cashier. I would give her an extra 5¢ off, if ya know what I mean.
28. You think you’re returning any of that stuff? I have the receipt! All ripped up in 10 seconds 🙂
29. That was fun, right Mom?
30. Can we go back tomorrow?
Hope you enjoyed your laugh today! What is your toddler thinking about at Target?
Be sure to follow Saving Said Simply for more of my Mommy Brain thoughts, a few laughs and more.
Masshole mommy says
Bwahahahahaha!!! I laughed my way through this entire post. And I completely agree with every single one!!
Leelo R says
OMG! That was so funny!
Mitch says
Ha! My son loves Target as well, he can pay video games even when it is not home authorized time to do so. And he loves the wacky packages near the front. “Can I buy just one?” You mean can dad buy it! And NOO!
Chrystal @ YUM eating says
I love Target now. I wish it was closer. I keep saying that..hoping the husband will hear. I can’t wait for us to move! I miss being closer (in) the city. I remember when I was younger and it was not cool to shop at Target. Boy , things sure change!
Pam says
Definitely sounds like my Target trips when my kids were little! Now it’s “But mom, this is the only place NYX sells this… it’s only a dollar… please??”
Mickey says
Ha! Many of those were true for us. I used to spend an hour at Target just getting a few essentials, thanks to my three young kids.
Kristin says
Lol, hit the nail on the head. I have found myself leaving before and coming back at another time when ours get toddler on me.
Dawn says
Oh, God. I laughed so hard. 13 is the best!
Theresa says
So true! Hilarious, but I certainly don’t miss those days of shopping at Target with a toddler lol.
Veronica says
Mine thinks of cars and more cars! and maybe pizza! Lol
April @ Everyday Fitness and Nutrition says
Hahahaha….that’s so funny! I’m so glad my kids are way past that stage! Shopping is so much more enjoyable now!
Carly Anderson says
This is too funny! And I think my daughter “says” many of these things. 😉
Beth@FrugalFroggie says
My almost 3 yr old has started hugging me throughout WalMart. I love it but I am sure people think we are crazy.
Sarah Kurtz says
Haha so true!
Shell says
That is so funny! I try to go to Target without any kids in tow. It’s easier!
Rosey says
LOL!! My daughter thinks about clothes, and my son thinks about toys. They both love to visit Target. 😉
Emily says
We went to Target last night and there was a terrible storm which caused a blackout. Pretty sure every toddler in the store was crying!
Angela S says
This was so funny. I’m pretty sure all my son thought about at that age was getting back to the toy department. He was obsessed. LOL
Cyndi @ MrsWrightWrites says
Hilarious and accurate! Seems our kids are on the same page when it comes to target.
Marina MommySnippets says
Ha! This is totally my kids. Every. Single. Visit!