I had no idea that visiting Pixar & behind-the-scenes of Incredibles 2 was going to be this INCREDIBLE. Find out why Learning About The Incredibles 2 Costumes Changed My Life. This post is sponsored by Disney•Pixar. All incredible movie-loving opinions are my own. May contain commissioned links.

(Photo by Deborah Coleman / Pixar)
Edna Mode is Whasian? Why The Incredibles 2 Costumes Changed My Life
“Virtually indestructible, yet breathes like Egyptian cotton.”
I sat down to the Incredibles 2 Costumes session expecting to be amazed: impeccable presentation, stunning images, creative and astonishing animation, inspiring people. But what I didn’t know is that one little line in that session changed my life. We sat down with Pixar designers and animators Deanna Marsigliese, Bryn Imagire, & Fran Kalal in this exclusive Incredibles 2 “look” (get the pun?).
Go behind-the-scenes in the making of the Incredibles 2 Costumes and find out why this may be my most important Disney Pixar film coverage – ever.
(Photo by Deborah Coleman / Pixar)
Designing Incredibles 2 Costumes is Hard Work
I had no idea what went into creating costumes for an animated film. And with The Incredibles movie as the blueprint for costuming already, I figured the team had it easy. Nope. As usual, Christie was wrong – very wrong. Designing Incredibles 2 Costumes is 1000% more involved and in depth than I could have ever imagined. And only Pixar could make this hard work “look” so easy.
- Creating costumes for animated film is just as complicated as live action, if not more so. The designers have to create costumes for an entire world – from the main to the background characters.
- The costumes were based on the “iconic 50s with a modern twist” or also referred to as “mid century modern design.” Heavy research was performed on the fashion of era to create the overall Incredibles look.
- Everything is broken down, carefully thought out, planned and studied – combining creativity, history (aka the first film), quotes, character personality, efficiency and cleverness.
- Attention to detail – Pixar costume team studied fabric patterns, quality of the pieces, feel and weight of fabrics, body types, expert tailoring, even actual sewing patterns from the era. Detailed notes were taken on everything from sleeve lengths to buttons, pleats to darting, types of accessories to hair and grooming.
- “How the character’s actions affects the garment and how the garment affects the character’s actions is really important,” said Deanna Marsigliese.
- Not everything is 50s. Violet’s wardrobe is inspired by the 60s with cuffed jeans, Keds and sweaters. Dash is just a normal T-shirt and jeans kid – the costume department saved a lot of money by keeping his wardrobe simple.
(Photo by Deborah Coleman / Pixar)
Animating Incredibles 2 Costumes is Even Harder Work
My mind was already racing with the amount of fashion research, creativity and design went into just costuming an entire Incredibles world. And then we get into the animation part of the Incredibles 2 costumes, aka bring on the challenges. “Our costume designers, tailors, shading artists and shot simulation artists have to start from scratch on every film to create costumes that fit characters that can break the laws of physics, that can change their shape in milliseconds, and they also have to fit into their uniquely designed worlds,” said Fran Kalal. Ready for this costuming process?
- Build 3-D sculpture of the outfit in their software that is then generated into two versions: one to receive instructions to move but be invisible and the other to be visible on-screen (aka pick up the colors).
- Sculpture is broken into panels and flattened out as simulated mesh.
- The panels are then tessellated with triangles as points that act as slinky springs.
- The outfits are then programmed to move using physics like force, mass, and density.
- Many programming “passes” are then adjusted to get the outfit to behave properly on the character.
- Color instructions are then created to give the outfits pattern, color and shine.
Concept art by Bryn Imagire. ©2018 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.
Costume Changes from Original Film to Sequel Are…Incredible
Technology has advanced quite a bit since The Incredibles movie came out over 13 years ago. “Everything is easier to do now,” said Bryn Imagire. The costume design team is pretty proud of how different the look of the movie is going to be for fans. So how have the Incredibles 2 costumes changed over 13 years?
- You’ll see that the fabric itself, the movement, the stretch, the shine all got upgrades. The first Incredibles – the super hero costumes were actually their “skin.” The logos did “stretched and did weird things.”
- Clothes aren’t the only upgrade. Everyone in Incredibles 2 gets a new do too. New hair tool has been applied in this movie, making each character’s hair even more incredible.
- Look for Jack Jack’s lack of wardrobe. When he’s home alone with Bob, he’s in diaper only (aka tired dad, survival mode). Jack Jack only wears clothes when Helen is home.
- Edna’s personal wardrobe and her fashion line “Mode,” expands in Incredibles 2.
- New character Evelyn Deavor’s wardrobe will also be a highlight of this film. Look for her combination of masculine and feminine details, bold prints and love of “faux” zebra.
Concept art by Bryn Imagire. ©2018 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.
Edna Mode is Whasian – WHAT?!
Mind blown. I don’t know why I didn’t know this fact already, but as we were sitting in the Incredibles 2 Costumes session and listening about Edna Mode’s wardrobe, one little line instantly took hold of me.
“E is German and Japanese.” Wait, what?! Edna Mode, my favorite Pixar character of all time is biracial, multicultural, and Whasian. I about keeled over at the table.
Concept art by Bryn Imagire. ©2018 Disney•Pixar. All Rights Reserved.
As the Incredibles 2 Costume team described her full Japanese styled wardrobe (Her silk kimono loungewear and origami dress are to DIE for, y’all. I’m already planning my Halloween costume now.) and her amazing super hero inspired fashion line called “Mode,” I saw Edna in such a new light. Not only is she bold, dramatic, heroic, and iconic – but now I have such a deeper connection with Edna the Whasian.
(Photo by Deborah Coleman / Pixar)
By the time we got up and left the session – my mind was still soaking in this important piece of info. And as I surveyed the group to see if this was common knowledge before the session (thankfully everyone agreed that they did NOT know this info), I left the Incredibles 2 Costumes session with a new sense of pride and admiration for Edna E. Mode.
My favorite Pixar character is now 100% more my favorite Pixar character. I couldn’t wait to tell the world, including two kids who will definitely be looking for Edna in Incredibles 2.
Get your Incredibles 2 Tickets Now & FREE Poster Offer
Already one of the most anticipated family films this summer, now is the time to get your advanced tickets for Incredibles 2, in theaters June 15th. When you purchase your Incredibles 2 Advanced Tickets from Fandango, you can choose one of two free movie posters while supplies last. I love the one above, don’t you? The other poster option is below the trailer.
Have a new love and appreciation for the Incredibles 2 costumes? Me too! Get a closer look at the changes and upgrades to the iconic costuming in the latest Incredibles 2 trailer!
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- Visit the official INCREDIBLES 2 website here: https://disney.com/incredibles2
Did you know that Edna Mode is biracial?
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Tamra Phelps says
Edna is my favorite character in the Incredibles. She needs her own movie!!
ellen beck says
This was really interesting. I had no clue Edna was whasian either, but it doe look it now it is broe down and the line is there. Very fun how they do the costumes, it would be tons of work!